Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lip liner

Don't look back,
you won't find me there,
I left you far a mile.
Somehow if you find any footprints,
thats my stubborn heart,
still tracing your path..!



Wonderful words and very true.


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

And how does a lip liner relate to that what you wrote as a beautiful expression?

Blasphemous Aesthete

FirstTimeMother said...

Hey thanks Yvonne and anshul !!

Actually i was a lil confused about the title..
How many lines does the post contains ?
Should i write 1 liner, 2 liner, 4 liner.. so i end up with "LIP LINER"
I am weak in giving suitable titles at times.. :P

Ramesh Sood said...

Well, nothing wrong in having a little portion of the heart stubborn.. it helps.. some beautiful moments stay alive..and they often illuminate.. well Reicha.. I came here to thank you..for giving me the honour by being on my page.. I reciprocate.. let us continue to explore thw world of thoughts..

Unknown said...


FirstTimeMother said...

@ Ramesh sir - Pleasure is all mine to share my opinions and to view your thoughts on your page.

@udit- thanks :)

Aakriti said...

Hey Reich....lovely sweet lines..Alright I;ll share with u sumthing my new Punjabi frnd;)...everything is written and done with purpose, many a times unknowingly darling:) so here too when u write the title LIP somehow makes me feel that it is coming from an intimate bond the girl in the poem shared with the guy...Lips are luring, seductive and romantic...and's like the guys impression can always be traced on the lines....only no more to be felt...:) That's what I thought...lemme knw wht u think abt it..
love~ Aakriti

FirstTimeMother said...

Wow ! you showed me the light in this title. The truth is, it was chosen randomly but you gave it a meaning.
Next time when anyone will ask me the reason for this title i'll mention your comment over there :)
Thanks ..
I am so glad to be in your touch. Will love to have a good chat with you some day.
Take care..!

Sarah malik said...

the lines r beautiful but y lip liner? let me read the continuation to get d complete meaning!


FirstTimeMother said...

@Sarah --> Just picked the title in a willy nilly manner. There is no reason behind it as commented before :P
But anyhow aakriti explained it a little bit in the above comment. Hope you'll like it :)
I am glad to find you here sarah.
Take care !!