Sometimes when i need silent eyes to listen to my pain i miss you.
Sometimes when i need enthusiasm to play with me i miss you.
Sometimes when i need a company to kill my boredom i miss you.
Sometimes when i need a good friend to join me I MISS YOU...!!
3/4 part of the year has been passed since i lost my pet dog .He really did understand what we tell him, he used to think what we want and maximum times he used to comprehend what we were trying to communicate. Served us for more than 5 years and then suddenly ran away one day in a playful mood with a hope that i'll catch him from behind but i lost. Later we searched around far and wide in our vicinity but worthless.Even today if i glimpse at a black lebra running on roadside or collar around the neck with anyone i hastily speed towards them so as to inspect may be this one is mine. My friends suggest me to go and get a new one but will the new one be able to compensate the old one ?
The term is "Attachment"
Its tough to replace someone when sentiments are attached may be that is why we never ponder over it again to tame another pet.'Even if you are a bona fide cat lover,its nearly impossible not to be moved by the brand of qualities unique to dogs'. They can never leave you even i know my dog was too loyal but was taken by some greedy human-animal. Huh ! you pick them, train them since they were puppies and one day you lose them. It is so called life on earth. forget it !
But yeah ! i inferred a dog can really be a man's best friend :)
1) No matter how much annoyed you are by the day but there is someone whom you'll always find in jolly mood and is capable enough to uplift your mood and make it a cheerful,blissful day.
2) There is a special quality i wanna highlight here... If you love them they are completely adorable but if you tie them in chains the whole day they become aggressive ready to attack anytime. So make it a choice you want a family member plus a guard or a killer watchdog only :P :P